Channel: Ecosia
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: how to avoid plasticcharcoal productionenvironment restorationreforestationuganda at largetree planting in africawhere does ecosia plant treesdeforestationwhy is tree planting goodwhy is tree planting badtree update 34tree plantingsearch engine that plants treeswhy saplingstree updatehow uganda looks likeecosiaclimate crisisbanana leaf decorationwhy tree sapling pods are made out of plasticclimate changeecosia plants trees in africa
Description: Ecosia is the search engine that plants trees. Get on Ecosia and be climate active every day: Welcome to Tree-Update 34! Rampant deforestation is threatening Uganda’s natural forests. Wildlife, biodiversity, and complex forest ecosystems are under immense pressure from the logging industry. What is the root cause of Uganda’s deforestation problem? In this video, come along to our reforestation and restoration projects in Uganda where Ecosia is planting and protecting trees. Most people in Uganda do not have access to the national power grid and biomass accounts for 90% of energy consumption. Charcoal makes up the large majority of this, which is sourced from wood. During our first week, we visited a new partner, Kijani, who is combining an innovative business model with native trees to disrupt the charcoal industry. Deforestation has destroyed the wildlife habitats of chimpanzees, leaving less than 5000 chimpanzees in Uganda. With the Jane Goodall Institute, Ecosia is planting forest corridors to help boost the population of one of our closest relatives. Farmers and agricultural land are also key to transforming the state of Uganda's forests. We visited a new project with our partner GLS who is engaging with five farmer cooperatives across the country. Do you know what the biggest source of single-use plastic is in tree planting? We end our journey through Uganda at our long-time partner Trees 4 Humanity, who are employing local women to reduce plastic in nurseries. 00:00 Intro 00:25 Kijani 01:00 The Jane Goodall Institute 01:24 GLS 01:59 Trees 4 Humanity 03:33 Outro 03:42 Bonus content This is a YouTube series, you can find all past Tree Update episodes in this playlist: ____ Director & Producer Fátima González-Torres (IG: @fatilugonzalevic) Creative director Christian Sawalski Script Ceri Flook Research lead Antonia Burchard-Levine and Ceri Flook Cinematographer Luke Dray @lukedrayphoto) and Forat El Alfy (IG: @foratau) Editing & post-production Christian Sawalski Motion graphics & animation Christian Sawalski ____ Punch keys to plant trees! Make Ecosia your default search engine: Ecosia is available for Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Safari and many more. You can also start your own forest through the Ecosia app: Follow how your searches are replenishing the planet by visiting our blog (, Instagram (@ecosia) and Twitter (@Ecosia). Want to make a difference? Check out our Tree Store and buy trees for climate action, trees that purify water sources, trees that empower women, and many more! After your purchase, we’ll email you a certificate that makes a thoughtful gift: